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♥:Mirror for life:♥

miss pWERN cant live without mirror

welcome :D
please do not spam here yea

im starting my Degree life at Kampar soon
♪ gonna dump everything nёw here ♪

i will try to keep this blog updated*
♥ do come to have a visit frequently ^0^

☺ Going to Carlsberg Where's the Party Malaysia on 06.07.2013! *wink*


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Crazy facts about me
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Facts about me that people never ever know about:

- I study last minute but during those study weeks my routine can be really extreme. 
- I study non-stop from morning until night without entertainment, without gaming, but books. I will bath alot because that is the only excuse to take a break. I will nap twice a day. 
- I prohibit myself to step out from my house 1-week before finals, unless in exceptional cases like I missed my boyfie or close friend's Bday. 
- I will definitely not go out for dinner one week before finals. 
- I listen to club hits/ club songs while studying. Very very often. To keep myself awake! Haha! 
- To the extreme, I'll bring my notes with me into the bathroom. Big boom! Being nerd that's right xD

writtern @9:57 PM