wεLcomε ◕‿◕


♥:Mirror for life:♥

miss pWERN cant live without mirror

welcome :D
please do not spam here yea

im starting my Degree life at Kampar soon
♪ gonna dump everything nёw here ♪

i will try to keep this blog updated*
♥ do come to have a visit frequently ^0^

☺ Going to Carlsberg Where's the Party Malaysia on 06.07.2013! *wink*


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Random selfie
Friday, June 19, 2015

Honestly ryteee...I took alot of selfies. 

But I just don't post them on Facebook
*except for special occation

Most of the time I post on my instagram 
and that will be at most once a week?

and Most most most of the time I post daily shots to my Wechat moments
and this will goes up to 1 post per dday hahaa!

and I usually limit people who can view my posts

because I do not feel comfortable letting too many ppl looking at my pictures
bcox sometimes those photos
doeesnt reflect my image in your mind xD

writtern @7:19 PM