I feel so glad for buying the
RainbowColor Cosmetic Contact Lenses in Sky Blue !!
from SASA ♥
super big ♥ to it !
so chio leh the lens!
aww ♥ and it's way natural than the first pair of Freshkon blue lenses i bought
the packaging
closed up look with the Rainbow Color Cosmetic Contact Lenses on ♥
It's SKY BLUE WHAT. why looks greyish one.
why every contact lenses i bought turn out to be different colour than what it stated? lols!
but still...niice! ♥
immediately after I bought the lenses from SASA, Sunway Pyramid
I went to the toilet and try it on =P
while my friends having their lunch at Burger King *lols*
sampat yesh i knoww!!
the lenses is not as soft and as *super soft plastic* kind of feel as what Freshkon's feel
it is more to the *soft plastic* feel without the super word at there? LOL!
stupid description. aiyahh ignore it la. just not as 軟綿綿 la.
So it is easier to wear and remove
But it's water level content not as high as Freshkon
so my eyes get tired more quickly. Have to bring eye MO along
I feel i looks..erm..hahahaha...hehehhe. 'kawaii' lah yohh in this pic
super ss. omg xD ignore me lah! xD
don't dare to use the word cute
sporty looks? lol. taken at F Block fitting room
roses hair clip!!
i love wearing it on my head. hheeee!
i bought many other colours of it leh...got white and purple also...
It's friday! How can we not go Starbucks??
since there was 50% off for the Frapuccino series!
my BFFs
love love love~
Labels: Rainbow Color Cosmetic Contact Lenses Sky Blue
sick dy ar finally.
okay it shouldn't be finally
nooo! why sick!?
Haven't even get to go shopping leh =(
-Vomited- Feel so much better naww.
I guess i eat too much dy for the Jogoya Buffet.
Used to eat super little for the past few days then suddenly *rawr* eat so much
I'm having sort of stomach infection? stomach virus!!
sounded so scary right
Here are some photos taken at Jogoya Buffet
Super duper yumm! Lamb chop
Another type of lamb chop. Grilled.
Prefer the first one xD
Fresh Oyster and some raw salmon and abalone
looks delicious?
but I have to say, their cakes and cookies are just so..so..
not really
that yummy
he's FAIL!
super cacat-ed attitude when chase a girl =.=

We had our 3D2N 4D3N trip to Langkawi!! :D
plus (+)
2D1N at Kampar *lols*
Super awesome and wonderful ♥
Planned to have a 3D2N stay but ended up we extent 1 more day.
Super random kind of day extension. I was like....*what the???*
First time ever extent a trip this *super* randomly
currently still at kampar
will cont. this post later on
First day.
went on cable car
super heavy mist that day. soo niice being up there!
down to the beach
missed the time for sunset =(
but the boys play until super happy bcoz they were busy catching crabs xD
see them run here and thr, i also feel happy dy
At night, went to Kuah purposely for beers and snacks. And dinner at mamak. swt.
The Malays at the mamak stared at us weirdly. Locals don't go mamak one ar?
After dinner, went down to the beach :D
occupied the whole beach (that kind of feeling)
because except us, nobody else is at the beach x)
stupid right me excited about it =P
Frankie bought his torchlight along to catch crabs
at first I dont really believe la. thought he was just crapping
but when we use torchlight on the seaside
me and bell goes : *woaaaa!!!* loudly
I don't believe my eyes!! super many small crabs crawling here and there!!
-end of first day-
spent too much time in the hotel. hahaas
Second day.
♫ went to Pulau Payar for snorkeling
saw many small sharks leh my goodness!!
need to share the same sea with them. need swim with them summore!! *shyts*
at first sked one. ended up we go chase the sharks xD
♫ went down to our resort's swimming pool
got jacuzzi one! damn cool !
but we prefer the 8ft. deep pool!!
also, learned to 'sit' in the swimming pool and 'stand' on the 8ft. deep pool
so fun!
we even play catching in the pool. hahaass!
♫ to the beach for sunset
the person in charge so kind to us. He willing to give us 5towels instead of 2.
bcoz supposingly we are staying in a double room
so happy
wrap wrap wrap. then walked to the beach.
Superb laa sunset :'(
first time ever in my life viewing sunset by the beach!!
breath taking sia..
Third day.
supposed to be our last day. But we extent our trip super randomly =D hehe~
went to beaches. It's all about beach that day
At night went back to our Holiday Villa's beach along with ahliong them
haha. running around the beach with ahliong -_-
he took my slippers and intended to throw them away!! -_-
but still. happy! i love running on the beach
But have felt abit comfort after reading Cheesie's blog =D
Her blog will always make my mood like...super good??
Because got lots of photos and kawaii stuff
and, most importantly, no emo post! never in her blog!
So you will never get emo stepping into Cheesie's blog =)
jiang jiang
the last paper was seriously shyt.
I know i should be happy but im sad naww =.=
looking forward to Langkawi trip
感覺就會不一樣了噢 ^^