now i just dont feel like continuing it anymore
im in trouble!
i spent RM800 within a month which exclude my room rental!
yea RM300 i know where i spend them on, but
where the F i spent my RM500 at??
why i cant recall wad i spent on?
what can I do~ 我的錢~

guess what?
I slept at 9pm yesterday and woke up at 8am this morning!!
how long it have been since my last time doing so?
sleeping this early until the next day?
nah, i can't remember .
like what? during primary school days?
I never get a good sleep since i came back home(Subang) from Kampar.
maybe it is due to some 'feng shui' stuff?
i've always experience the same thing whenever i sleep on that bed!
well at least today,
I had a very long sweet dream!
you know, it just felt soo ‘

’ dreaming about you and the guy you admire getting into a relationship.
i really admire boys with a certain level of maturity yet playful at some particular time
being tall, gentleman and caring too! imagine, u can feel soo secure when he is beside of u
well yea there is one guy with such criteria that i know and really admire all these while :P
i can just dream and dream~
dream that one day miracle happens!
dream that one day, he asks me out for a movie or something.
he is a kind of guy that is really hard to find.
so far i see none in UTAR.
i just love how special you are and i dun think that it is a negative thang abt u, u know? xP
得到了想要的之后 就不想要了。
I went for my hair rebonding yesterday, and...
this is my third time doing hair rebonding!
it cost me RM190
(must cheaper than previous rebonding)
@ The Experience Hair Salon located at SS15, directly opposite of Station one Cafe =P
actually it is always deadly flat, i mean FLAT seriously, x look tat pretty during the 1st week of hair rebonding.
i wouldn't dare to show myself in the public
okay~ haha these are the snapshot taken earlier in the morning
so ..umm.... ><
okay okay will try to upload some nicer snapshot next time
<3 tis! from Times Square
I have been taking a very good care of my hair since N years
and because I care of it so so much
I've been investing alot, yes ALOT on my extra long hair
how much have I spent on my hair?
Seriously, i wouldnt dare to count!
I'd tried out so so many types of hair shampoo and conditioner
Used so so much of hair treatment and hair care products
went to expensive hair cuts and treatment
I'm a girl with natural curl
and the curl doesn't seems nice yet messy at all times
i need hair rebonding each and every year
yes yes~ tired of it!
after all the rebonding, here comes long term hair care
So far, I settled down with
shampoo: Sunsilk
conditioner: Asience
(Asience-Japanese brand only available @ Watson)
The combination of both gave me the best result so far.
Hair felt so much softer after using them, compared to other brands where my hair will ended up dry after half an hour of blow drying
my hair care products(used them only when my hair is at bad condition):
L'oreal Anti-frizz serum
L'oreal Nutri-Gloss spray
Liese Juicy Shower spray
Liese Hair Cocktail (orange)
Now i'm looking forward to purchase and get a try on:
Lucidol Soft Touch (purple) bought
Bed Head TIGI Superstar
Lucidol Soft Touch (purple) |
Bed Head TIGI Superstar |
burn money burn~
-every single hair drop is my $ lost for the day-
Labels: Hair care