the very last foundation examination

i don't feel happy either ==
my mood is now relli down
even listening to my favourite song wont help to cure neither
argg wad i got to do !!
i dont want to face the fact that we'll be seperating apart

after today,
yes today,
every of you will change...
we will be like stranger after that
i will be all alone for my Degree year
after all of you left
i will have to adapt myself all again

miss-diaryi miss the moment !!:'(ώε υse∂ тo ...miss the moment ώε υse∂ тo play and have fun together
miss the moment ώε υse∂ тo travel together 
miss the moment ώε υse∂ тo have our dinner together
miss the moment ώε υse∂ тo have our photograph session
miss everything. every single moment.
and now,
its time for "38 gang" to
disbandits time for us to say
goodbyethe feeling is way too hard to be represented verbally.
♫'And I hope you can always stay the same....
Cause there's nothin else bout you I would change...'♪
❥❧ Hui Lin
❥❧ Yfhan
❥❧ Seang Tian
you! yes, you!
❥❧ i will take the longest time to adapt to it, for ur leaving.
thanks for ur accompany
thanks for being with me during my harsh time

✘ вчε
miss-diaryi cant believe it !
i saw a -Lamborghini-running along the highway right infront of mewhen my family and I were on our way back to Kampar from Taiping

i was like ...
'I'm in love' babe!

'Batman car'ah! damn kool !
i even ate
durian on the spot just now,
when i was on my way back to Kampar
YUMM* ~my stomach is seriously bloated
i got to stop eating. No food for me tonight !
sorry for not joining dinner