It has been raining now a days,
and we are all trapped in either sch / or at home
days are getting boredseriously,
i wish that the rain could stopi wish that our hostel will be
exposed to sunlight from 2pm onwards
so that i could dry my washed clothes
we will have to wait and wait for the rain to stop in able to cycle
out to have our dinner
i just wish the rain could stop pouringi'm bored,
and so do Yfhan & Minwei
we're boredhoping thr's someone could chg our current lifestyle phuuu....

and yea,it's now raining again..life life life
Labels: kampar
miss-diaryit's 5p.m.now
we are seriously bored here !!
nothing much to do ,
sadly hoping for a shopping mall to be built in Kampar
i've bought a new purse
hot pink in colour

i was totally
in love with it when i first saw it
being in love, i bought it the night after
it cost me RM23a reasonable price

had a wonderful, and exciting
BBQ night together with
waimun, michelle, isabell, pipiyin, yvonne,jasper, lat huii, lizhan, kar fei, frankie, and pang dio------------------------------------------

we were out for dinner when it rained heavily.
Being trapped in the Wing's restaurant,
i decided to blog using my mobile phone
howeverI realized that it's actually impossible to post a new article directly from blogger
arghh. dissapointed
now, i get to know the right way to post to blogger by using mobile phone :-> email to bloggerhope this link helps you along =)
it's almost 6p.m nowgot to go for dinnerciaos.=)( signing out : 26/9/2010 5.46pm )Labels: kampar
I'm SOO bored!!i've just came back from the Computer Tech. class
suppose to be a 2hours class,
but our lecturer released us 1hour before d actual time
everyone is not back yet
yfhan ..minmin........
yc is now working ....

Labels: kampar, UTAR
miss-diaryim having a wonderful semester break ...

i have been hanging out with friends,
spending my holidays with my subang friends
and it makes me feel so great ^^
thank you all !!
miss my janejane ..
miss my yiwen ..
nevertheless, i miss my utar friends
hope to see u guys in the next semester

finally i get to taste it !!
tiramisu cake from Itallianies-------------------------
that's all for tonightciao.(14/9/2010 11.42 p.m)* just back from Asia CafeLabels: Itallianies
miss-diaryyeah! Final exam is finally OVER !
*peace*oh gosh,
i had been
studying and studying and studying for the whole day
and now, I can finally rest without touching my lecture notes
yes free!
my holiday schedule not full yet!
jane jane and ooiyiwen busy working T.T
cant come out 'gaigai' with me ...
there are someone else to hang out with =)
im going to Ipoh for the next two days
together with yfhan, minwei and huiling
yc will become our driver
Labels: Ipoh, kampar, UTAR