Friday, August 13, 2010
'ngor jib sao mm dou' !
'I can't accept it' !
final exam is around the corner ! (1st Sept)
and.. we are still having our mid-term exam and presentation

I don't get enough time to cope with all the subjects ...
I cried for my Econs mid-term exam for 3 times dy.
Feeling so helpless. I studied very very hard for it, but I end up lose 8 marks just because of the structure of the exam questions.
I am trying to 'digest' as many syllabus as possible on the subjects
Time do not allow
Final exam is coming, but i still feel that my basics are not tough enough.
I'm running, trying to catch up and with the syllabus (especially economics)
But I’m tired. I need some time for entertainment ...
updates :

(Yfhan) scored full marks for each of her midterm mathemathics examination !!
too pro dy xD ngor jib sao mm dou!!
update x3 : same thing happened on me ! yeah^^
. Face-to-Face Pan Mee restaurant ( 面對面板面 ) newly opened in new town, Kampar.
We’ve tried it yesterday night for our dinner. The pan mee taste SOOOO SO good !
Tasted even better than the Subang's branch located next to Taylor College
We are all fine here.
Got to go out for dinner now.
( post on : 13/8/2010 7.53PM )
Mid-term exam is finally OVER!!'( post on : 13/8/2010 7.53PM )
and now, is time for FINAL EXAM preparation.
let's do it !

( written on : 21/8/2010 12.30AM )
( written on : 21/8/2010 12.30AM )