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♥:Mirror for life:♥

miss pWERN cant live without mirror

welcome :D
please do not spam here yea

im starting my Degree life at Kampar soon
♪ gonna dump everything nёw here ♪

i will try to keep this blog updated*
♥ do come to have a visit frequently ^0^

☺ Going to Carlsberg Where's the Party Malaysia on 06.07.2013! *wink*


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Wednesday, May 18, 2011



喝很多很多的水可以补充流失的泪水哦? =D


i was seriously emo just now- in the train while i was on my way back to Subang weh
flashed back those moments that i had with friends who moved to KL campus dy

especially to someone whom I used to hang out with at night or to say, midnight...
helped me to reduce stress...
helped me when i was emotionally down...
and always, helped me to break my previous record (haha)

emo! freaking emo!
no joy leh.
friend(s) don't leave me 



writtern @11:18 PM