Thursday, September 1, 2011

Final exam is around the corner!
wuhoo. No mood to study. So here am I blogging now =P
my friends are getting into a relationship. yes, one-by-one.
wad a scary 'chaining effect'
but yay, I'm still me! x)
life without unnecessary arguments/love conflicts yea feels good to me
but seriously i have to admit,
somehow at someplace, it will be no good to be alone
the feeling of emptiness
argh, i hate it. I hate to be alone!!
hate to cycle alone
hate to walk alone
hate to attend class alone
but why WHY my friends can just leave me to be alone/cycle alone sometimes
but it's still fine.
Most of the time i'm not alone x)
there are so many things i realized i will not attempt without a partner
ops. haha. never bother lah :P
feel free to case your vote for MadzBoy here
(yahoo/google account is needed)
hey and guess what?
I never realize that ytd was Malaysia's independent celebration day
Hari Merdeka!
wooops, not until i looked for the date to check on d expiry date at Tesco. haha
eh come on la what happened? how come no 'heat' at all here?
no sign of celebration @@
studehh! aza aza fighting ^0^