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Sunday, April 1, 2012


Prison Break Prom Night 2012
the biggest event I have joined as a helper =) 

Being proud of cosplay-ing with my dear friends that night
haha. Spent RM100 on my cosplay costume...
Well, I did regret abit but in exchange for the joy that night, yes it is kinda worth it.

Here it goes:

1. Me before makeup in the hair saloon =)
2. Me after makeup before going to the event
Cons used: FreshKon Colors Fushion Glittering Blue
thanks to shiwei for helping me with my makeup
3. Three of us that night, cosplaying =)
from left, sailarmoon(bell), witch(me), pirate(shiwei)
4. I even act as a prisoner that night in one of the drama scene

5. Isabell - the Sailormoon
she's so cute that night in the outfit ♥

6. ShiWei - Pirate
super lenglui o that night with her fake eyelashes on. Her eyes are too pretty that I kept looking at them xD
lenglui sexy babe~~ ♥ 

7. P Wern (me) - Witch 
I looks different that night, far diff from the usual look. But still ppl recognize me easily. Is it a good thing? =) 

8. Three of us + superman(WingFei)

never regret joining such an event =)
it will always be part of my memory 

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writtern @4:32 PM